Executive Board
Position Descriptions
We highly recommend finding another parent/caregiver to be Co- with you. It helps to divide up responsibilities and when one of you is home with a sick kiddo, the other can step in for whatever needs doing.
President (or Co-Presidents)
Preside at all monthly general PTA meetings and monthly executive board meetings
Is an ex-officio member of all committees except the nominating committee
Appoint association committee chairperson with the approval of the executive board
Encourage meaningful participation in all parent and school activities
Provide opportunities for members’ leadership development
Delegate responsibilities to members of the PTA as needed
Is a mandatory member of the School Leadership Team
Attend all regular meetings of the President’s Council
Plan the agendas for the general membership meetings
Prepare Annual budget proposal with Treasurer for membership approval, make changes of budget with membership approval
Ensure PTA bylaws are adhered and up to date
Is one of the eligible signatories on checks
Assist with the June transfer of records, including all the pertinent user ids and passwords to the incoming executive board
Time Commitment: Approximately 10–15 hours per month with Co-Presidents, 20–25 for one person
Term: 1 year term, renewable for 2 additional terms
Treasurer (or Co-Treasurers)
Responsible for all financial affairs and association funds
Maintain an updated record of all income and expenditures on school premises
Adhere and implement all financial procedure established by the association
Prepare and present monthly written reports of all transactions at every general PTA meeting, including all income, refunds, reimbursements and other expenditures with opening and closing balances
Prepare Interim, annual and fundraising reports
Make available all financial records for viewing by members upon request or for audit purposes
Monitor PTA finances and budget
In charge of all monetary transactions and bank deposits
Write all PTA checks for purchases, refunds, reimbursements
Is one of the signatories on checks
Prepare all financial reports necessary to file all tax documents in accordance with to IRS guidelines for non-profit organizations
Attend required monthly PTA and Executive Committee meetings
Assist with the June transfer of records to the incoming executive board
Time Commitment: Approximately 5–8 hours per month with Co-Treasurers, 10–15 for one person
Term: 1 year term, renewable for additional terms
Recording Secretary (or Co-Secretaries)
Record the minutes of all PTA general meetings and keep notes on all executive board meetings
Work with President to prepare agendas for monthly PTA and Executive Committee meetings
Prepare notices, sign-in sheets and material for distribution
Prepare minutes of each general meeting, distribute copies of the minutes for approval
Is one of the signatories on checks
Keep custody of all PTA records on school premises
Incorporate all amendments into the bylaws
Ensure signed copies of the bylaws with the latest amendments are on file in the principal’s office
Work with Communications committee to promote PTA meetings, projects, events and fundraisers
Assist in recruiting and tracking volunteers for PTA initiatives and events
Attend required monthly PTA and Executive Committee meetings
Assist with the June transfer of records to the incoming Executive Board
Time Commitment: Approximately 5–8 hours per month with Co-Secretaries, 10–15 for one person
Term: 1 year term, renewable for additional terms
Vice President (non-elected)
Preside at meetings with and in the absence of the President
Work with President and Treasurer on budgeting for fundraisers
Provide updates of committee activities at PTA meetings.
Recruit volunteers to lead PTA initiatives and help PTA chairs to recruit volunteers for events
Time Commitment: Approximately 7–10 hours per month with Co-VPs, 15–20 for one person
Term: 1 year term, renewable for additional terms