Auction Committee Position Descriptions

We highly recommend finding another parent/caregiver to be Co- with you. It helps to divide up responsibilities and when one of you is home with a sick kiddo, the other can step in for whatever needs doing.

Project Manager (or Co-PMs)

  • Be fully committed and able to plan for absences in advance given the importance of the fundraiser to the school

  • Plan agenda for and hold monthly Auction Committee meetings to get latest status from members on various tasks

  • Attend monthly general PTA meetings and PTA Executive Board meetings

  • Be the point of contact for all Auction Committee members (primarily via email at your desired frequency)

  • Develop the overall plan for the execution of the PTA’s annual auction from sponsorship acquisition to event planning

    • Current PTA members will guide you on past protocols and share legacy documentation to give you a great start

  • Manage the auction software as items come in from our community

    • Perform data entry tasks to keep spreadsheets and auction website up to date and accurate

  • Lead the effort to secure sponsorships for the auction months in advance of the event.

  • Delegate responsibilities to members of the Auction Committee

    • There is a robust spreadsheet that we work from each year to solicit donations, so you have a firm ground to launch from

  • Communicate committee needs to Principal and staff for both auction items and the event itself

  • Share budgetary requests with PTA Treasurer

  • Coordinate with event vendors and venue.

  • Work alongside Communications Chair to get designs/wording for external communications, as well as social media posts.

  • Assist with the transfer of funds at the close of the auction

    Time Commitment: Approximately 5–10 hours per week with Co-Chairs, 10–20 for one person (now until the end of May); some weeks will be busier than others
    volunteer commitment for this auction only

Event Planner (or Co-Event Planners)

  • Be fully committed and able to plan for absences in advance given the importance of the fundraiser to the school

  • Secure event vendors and venue

    • Coordinate contracts and requirements with vendors and venue, along with the Project Manager

    • Manage budget with PTA Treasurer

  • Create a ‘run-of-show’ for the live auction event

    • Coordinate with auctioneer, Principal, teachers, venue, AV help, committee members volunteering at the event, etc.

    • Plan out and delegate responsibilities to members of the Auction Committee who are helping at the live event

      • Current PTA members have much of this documented already from previous years for you to work from

  • Develop plan for silent auction at live event

    • Learn from past events what worked and didn’t work

  • Coordinate decor for venue space

  • Attend monthly general PTA meetings and PTA Executive Board meetings

  • Work alongside Communications Chair to get designs/wording for printed material, external communications, as well as social media posts.

    Time Commitment: Approximately 3 hours per week with Co-Chairs, 6 for one person (now until the end of May); weeks leading up to mid-May will be much busier than February–April.
    volunteer commitment for this auction only